Brief: UJEB’s website was dated and did not have any integration with their CRM which was being used through manual integration (copy & paste). The client wanted to accept online course enrolments, have it integrated into multiple payment methods and also integrate with Salesforce CRM. The website was also in desperate need of refreshing as was their brand. The client also wanted to take invoice payments and donations through the website which also needed to be integrated with the CRM.
We initially worked through the re-branding of the clients logo and carried that style and theme into the new website design. The course manager we built then allowed the client to create courses and link them directly into the corresponding course data in Salesforce. Furthermore, the courses added allowed them to create pricing for each term as prices varied. The website then allowed parents to register and register their child(ren) into the system. Once registered, the website would synchronize this data to Salesforce. This synchronisation process also allowed parents to update their data via their online profile. Once the parent and child profiles were created, the parents could then enrol their child(ren) into various courses. Payment was a complex solution. The parent could choose to do a credit card payment which was integrated into eWay. The parent could also choose to select a payment plan which would then require them to correspond with UJEB to finalise the enrolment.
The invoice payments and donations were also connected to eWay for live credit card payments. Furthermore, we were able to integrate the user data with Salesforce by matching name and email, assigning the record of donation/payment against the contact information in Salesforce. This now allows the client to track and trace all payments, be it donations, invoices or enrolments from their CRM.
Our Results
Key Successes

Achieved to top page of Google

Increased organic traffic in 9 months

Increased organic traffic in 9 months

Achieved in 9 months

Adwords conversion rate

Cost per conversion rate achieved